QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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I have a number of websites at QTH.COM. Their customer service is quick and knowledgeable when you need it. Highly recommended.

John Rice, SUHFARS

Just wanted to drop you a note about your hosting service. I could not be more pleased. It works everyday, all day and the price is a bargain.

Mitch Kosofsky, W2MSK

Outstanding customer service and expert knowledge has been invaluable for our business -- consistently goes above and beyond our highest expectations!

James Edwards, A2Z Social Design

Your SiteBuilder allowed me to do more in 15 minutes than what I accomplished in an entire day using GoDaddy's web site builder. Thank you for your great service and support!!

John Whitt, AI4FR

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH has hosted all of my sites since 2002 and I have never been tempted to change. Great service and a pleasure to do business with QTH.

John Bee, Quick Silver Radio

Add us to your list of satisfied customers. Everyone on our committee has noticed the speed improvement after we switched our site from GoDaddy to QTH!

Neil Rapp, Youth On The Air

Hosting with QTH.com is like a having a buddy in the business. They've been spot on from the start with responsive, efficient, friendly service. That's why I've stuck for years with QTH.com!

Jeff K1NSS, creator of Dash! The Dog-Faced Ham

On those rare occasions when there has been a problem, we've received an almost immediate response and assistance. QTH.com is unquestionably one of the most responsive companies we have ever dealt with. Excellent value for the money!

Dave & Judi Jaksa, Custom Digitizer

We've been hosting our web site with QTH.com since 1996. Thanks for your great service and support.

Ed Longhi, ProLog

From the beginning your work has paid off in a perfect Web service. I feel over the years I have made a friend with a needed service that can be counted on.

Gary Litteer